You should try eSoftTools 7z password recovery software to unlock the lost password of 7z file. It recovers all types of password combinations through 3 disctinve techniques such as Brute Force Attack,Dictionary Attack and Mask attack. Users can download a free trial pack to show the first 3 letters of forgotten password. It's simple to use GUI and makes it easy to recover the blend password without any internal changes. Users can download a free demo file to recover 3 letters of forgotten password.
Read More:- Unlock the lost password of 7z file

if you find any 7zip password cracker software and not find any 7zip file password cracked software try stella 7zip password cracker software to crack all type encrypted password of the 7zip file this software is support all version 32bit and 64bit 7zip file this software is crack all password without deleting any 7zip file items. this software is crack all password using some simple steps. For more info visit this link